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Swar-Taal Sadhana
(Established in 1993)
Welcome to Swar - Taal Sadhana
We Conduct offline and online Music Classes for Hindustani Light, Semi and Classical Vocal and melody instruments such as Harmonium, Bansuri, Guitar, Synthesizer (Casio) and percussion instruments such as Tabla, Dholki, Duff, Dimdi, Sambal, Dholak.
Students are taught on the basis of One-to-One and group classes in the institute. (conducted usually for One hour - Two days per week). For details contact on 9890979219, 8605272167.
‘’पोटापाण्याचा उद्योग तुम्हाला जगवील, पण ‘कलेशी जमलेली मैत्री’ तुम्ही का जगायचं हे सांगून जाईल.’’
पु. ल. देशपांडे
(लोकप्रिय भारतीय लेखक)
"Your day job will keep you alive but ‘friendship with the art’ will give you the reason to live and make your life worth living for."
Pu. La. Deshpande
(Popular Indian Writer)

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